BioImageArchive BinderHub

BinderHub allows users to share reproducible interactive computing environments from code repositories.

Quick start

Binder   Mounting Biostudies using rclone

Binder   Reading Biostudies images

Binder   Running ZeroCostDL4Mic

Binder   ↳ with a specific notebook

Binder   Some IDR studies are availiable

Binder   Binder for machine learning using GPUs

Services and capabilities

Tier URL Flavour Resources
1 Public Binderhub 8Gb RAM, 4 vCPUs, Ephemeral
2 Persistent Binderhub <16Gb RAM, <8 vCPUs, 15 GB Storage, Dask
2 Authenticated Binderhub <32Gb RAM, <8 vCPUs, (1-2) GPUs, Ephemeral, Dask
3* Authenticated Kubeflow n x (<32Gb RAM, <8 vCPUs), 15 GB Storage, (1-2) GPUs, Dask
  • Kubeflow is a highly experimental deployment at the moment

To request access to Tier 2/3, please contact